Feature Revamp for Telecom App
Feature Revamp
UX/UX Designer
Revamp existing feature to create a better user experience and enhance the concept of this feature.
Crafting The Solution
Listening from User Feedback and Business Needs
We’ve received several user feedback comments highlighting that they are not getting the information they expect from this feature. This feedback has captured the business team’s attention, prompting them to request a revamp for this feature while also adding a few points which are enhance the ’close circle’ concept from this feature and ensure that provided features are prominently displayed, allowing users to fully experience the feature.
Channeling the Idea into Your Screen
I identified the most important information users expect to see when opening this feature by doing desk research and a quick user survey. Using these insights, I created wireframes to visualize the structure I had in mind. Then, I explored various approaches and designs until I found the way to create a more effective and engaging user experience for this feature.